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Spiritual growth

For your spiritual growth, we have four different categories - Biblical and theological foundation work, Daily Life guide, Challenge management and Group Guide as you can see in the following:

Abstract Glass Building



Daily Life

American Football Player


Reading in Library

Q & A



Based on its characteristics and for the effective learning, we will provide three way to learn, i.e., one-to-one training provided on the request base, public seminar pronounced in the event announcement and video education saved in the web-site as defined in the introduction materials.

Can I worship Him on-line?

Worship is a ceremony in which God calls His covenantal people to re-affirm the covenant, grant them His grace, and declare the glory of...

Sermon3 Col3 Guide

Colossians 3:1-17, recitation verse Col 3:10 The praise and honor and glory be to our heavenly Father who seeks worshipers who worship...

Sermon2 James3 Guide

James 3:1-12, recitation verse James 3:2 The praise and honor and glory be to our heavenly Father who seeks worshipers who worship with...

Sermon1 Rev3 Guide

Rev 3:7-13, recitation verse Rev 3:8 The praise and honor and glory be to our heavenly Father who seeks worshipers who worship with...

How to Resolve Conflict

open resources The Korean word "Gal-Deung" which is in English "conflict" is a combination of Chinese character of "chicory vine" (葛) and...

Life of Prayer

Public Seminar Prayer is 1) a sincere conversation between God and his faithful followers, 2) an intimate fellowship based on our...

Life of the Word

Public Seminar The Bible is composed of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. It was written by about 40 authors...

Heidelberg Catechism

This is a request-based 1-on-1 training on Heidelberg Catechism which is one of three confessions with Belgic Confession & Canons of Dort.

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