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Growth in Relationship with God and Image of His Son!

“And this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” (John 17:3)


We were made in the image of God to have a real and living relationship with God. Yet we … interrupted this relationship through our sin and rebellion …. Then even though we rebelled against God through our sin, He made the way for the relationship to be restored (in Jesus).

The keys to knowing God are; It is through the Bible that we learn about the nature of God and the acts of God; it is through prayer that we speak to God and share our hearts with him; it is through fellowship that we join into his body, serve his people, and demonstrate his love.

Our growth as Christians, i.e., advance in the Christian life as advance in our relationship with God and advance in being like God, which comes by a combination of God’s work by His Spirit and our response and cooperation with it.

While God genuinely pursues us, we must also pursue him. Even as he begins the relationship, we must foster it. Even as he reaches out toward us, we must reach toward him.

Have you reached out to God today through prayer?

Have you listened to his voice through the Scriptures?

What are you doing to foster this relationship?

[Tim Challies, Knowing and enjoying God  (p. 9,31)]


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